Note: | This volume originally was printed as four separate books (see transcriber's note below). Images of the original pages are available through Internet Archive. Book 5, pages 1-192: Book 6, pages 193-384: Book 7, pages 385-592: Book 8, pages 593-818: |
This is Volume II of a two-volume set. The first volume can be found at: .
This 1875 edition originally was published in eight separatebooks as a subscription publication. The Preface, Titlepages, Tables of Contents and Lists of Illustrations (theFront Matter) were published in the final eighth book, andreferenced books 1-4 as Volume I, and books 5-8 as Volume II.This etext follows the same two-volume structure. Therelevant Front Matter has been moved to the front of eachvolume, and some illustrations have been moved to where thetwo Lists of Illustrations indicate they should be. No textwas added or changed when the books were seamlessly joinedto make Volume I and Volume II.
When reading this book on the web, the Index has active links to pages in both volumes.When reading on a handheld device only the internal links within this volumeare active.
Footnote anchors are denoted by [number], and the footnotes have beenplaced at the end of each chapter.
Basic fractions are displayed as ½ ⅓ ¼ etc; other fractions are shownin the form a/b, for example 1/12or 1/16. Regimental designations ofthe form a/b are unchanged, for example ‘1/4th Native Infantry’.
In Chapter XLV the English translation of Gaelic text isusually positioned side by side with that text, just as it was printed in the originalbook. If the window size does not allow this, the English translation followsthe Gaelic passage. On handheld devices choose a small or medium size font to viewthese passages, to avoid a possible truncation of the column of text.Several of these passages are quite long.
Many tables in the original book (between pages 562 and 802) had } or {bracketing in some cells. These brackets are not helpful in the etext tablesand have been removed to improve readability and save table space.
The two tables on page 755 wer