Editor: Charles D. Hornig
Published | 10 cents a copy |
Monthly | $1.00 per year |
137 West Grand Street, Elizabeth, New Jersey
Volume 1 | September, 1933 | Number 1 |
Every fantasy fiction magazine says: "This is YOUR magazine." Mostfans like this phrase, for it provides a very welcome personal feelingon the part of the readers toward these magazines. The business ofthese publishers is to produce a high-class brand of fantasy,according to the wishes of the fans, many of whom claim that thereaders' letters in each issue are well worth the price of the book.THE FANTASY FAN is for such people—those who feel a sense ofparticipation when they read the opinions of others on science andweird fiction, and have their own letters published. The sole purposeof THE FANTASY FAN is to strengthen the bond between the fans, andadvance the popularity of fantasy fiction in every way possible. Wewill do our part by publishing interesting and absorbing articles bythe leading fan writers and authors of the day—many dozens of whichwe now have on hand; occasionally an exceptionally good short story;poetry; and all sorts of regular monthly departments. We will alsofeature a cash prize contest every month as an incentive to you, thefans, to show your enthusiasm. Remember one thing, YOU control THEFANTASY FAN. You will get everything that you want within our power,and what you do not like will be kept out of our pages. There areseveral advantages you have in reading THE FANTASY FAN. Besideschoosing your articles, you can submit your own. We will gladlyconsider any of your original material for publication, and if it isaccepted, you will be paid for it. Participate in our cash contests,which, you will note, are simplicity itself. You can ask us questionsabout fantasy fiction, and we will answer them free of charge in our'Information' department. You can have your letters printed,criticizing THE FANTASY FAN. If you want to make pen pals, let usknow, and we will list your name in our 'Penpals Wanted' column. Watchour department, 'The Boiling Point,' in which the most radicalarguments will be carried on. Come to 'The Boiling Point' and presentyour side of the controversy. Your suggestions are welcome. You are anassociate editor—flood us with letters. We have told you our part. Wecan accomplish these things and make THE FANTASY FAN bigger and bettereach month ONLY WITH YOUR HELP! If you have not yet subscribed, do sonow, and insure yourself of a monthly copy. There are only a limitednumber printed. If you do not intend to subscribe, send us your dimefor the next issue within a week. Well, here's hoping THE FANTASY FANgrows and grows, and someday you will be proud to say: "I was one ofthe earliest readers!" Stick with us. Look for more pages, a coloredcover and illustrations in the near future.
We wish to give our sincere thanks to all those who have so kindlywritten in and expressed their hope that THE FANTASY FAN will prosper.
From that supreme master of the weird and occult, Clark Ashton Smith,we hear: "I am vastly interested to learn of your plans for THEFANTASY FAN. I enclose dollar bill, for which please enroll me on yourroster at once. The magazine should f