COMMUNITY SERVICE is the medium through which the residents of a community get together and really become members of that community with a consequent real interest in community welfare, prosperity and stability.
COMMUNITY SERVICE is CITIZENSHIP. It promotes Americanization. It denotes PROGRESSIVENESS. Any individual of the community with a real and active interest in the community is a better citizen.
COMMUNITY SERVICE provides an opportunity for people to meet as folks, as neighbors representing no one but themselves, and the ideas they cherish most. The towering advantage of Community Service is that it is the one movement to which everybody can belong.
COMMUNITY SERVICE is a community organized for service. This community has a real existence with a soul and personality of its own. The Community needs something to do as a community.
COMMUNITY SERVICE is an antidote for idle time. The success of a person or a community is not determined by the number of hours they are busy, but by what they do in their idle time.
COMMUNITY SERVICE offers every stranger who comes to a Community "the glad hand," displays true friendship to them and shows that we as a community care for his welfare.
COMMUNITY SERVICE promotes good will. There is no ritual for Community Service, just as there is no ritual for friendship. Friendship is a fact. Most men and women have a talent for it. Community Service organizes and develops that talent until it is made to render a world service. It makes the community a fact instead of a name.
PEACE TIME service is a war debt that Conscience and Patriotism must pay.
By Anna Vaughan
"Mel" Sheppard
It is just as essential that the teacher who enters a schoolroom in September know how to play with children as to teach them. By no better means, perhaps, may the spirit of friendship and co-operation be so thoroughly strengthened and firmly established as through games.
The mental, moral and physical growth attained through participation in games cannot be overestimated. To listen to directions, to understand them thoroughly and to execute them exactly as given require alert attention and accurate motion.
To play fair, win honestly and accept defeat cheerfully, remembering at all times to be courteous to opponents, are invaluable lessons, and conducive to good citizenship.
Active games quicken the sense perceptions. Through them the dull, passive mind is aroused to an active interest in external things to which the hitherto inert body is forced to respond. As a result the child observes more closely, thinks more clearly and moves with greater ease.
To rhythmic games may be attributed the freedom of movement, graceful carriage and appreciation for and response to rhythm by which the child at