The cover image was created by the transcriber and is placed in the public domain.
THE FEMALE PHYSICIAN, Containing all the Diseases incident to that Sex, IN Virgins, Wives, and Widows; TOGETHER With their Causes and Symptoms, their Degrees of Danger, and respective Methods of Prevention and Cure: To which is added, The Whole ART of New improv’dMidwifery; COMPREHENDING The necessary Qualifications of a Midwife, and particular Directions for laying Women, in all Cases of Difficult and PreternaturalBirths; together with the Diet and Regimen of both the Mother and Child.
ByJohn Maubray, M. D.
—— ——Opiferq; per Orbem
Dicor,—— Ovid. Met.
Printed for James Holland, at the Bible and
Ball, in St. Paul’s-Church-Yard. 1724.
To all Learned and Judicious Professors ofPhysick, as well as Ingenuous and Experienced Practisers ofMidwifery.
Most ExcellentSocieties,
I Have generally observ’d,that Men address theirWorks to improperHands; some aim at Personagestoo great, to regard them;others stoop to Men too unlearned,to defend them: Some again maketheir Court and apply to Pe