By Owen Davis
The Detour
A Play
Copyright, 1922, 1923,
By Owen Davis.
All rights reserved
Published July, 1923
No performance of this play, professional or amateur,—orpublic reading of it—may be given withoutthe written permission of the author and the paymentof royalty. Application for the rights of performing“Icebound” must be made to Sam H. Harris, Sam H.Harris Theatre, New York City.
Printed in the United States of America
With the production of “The Detour,” about a yearago, I managed to secure some measure of success indrawing a simple picture of life as it is lived on a LongIsland farm; encouraged by this, I am now turningtoward my own people, the people of northern NewEngland, whose folklore, up to the present time, hasbeen quite neglected in our theatre. I mean, of course,that few serious attempts have been made in the directionof a genre comedy of this locality. Here I haveat least tried to draw a true picture of these people, andI am of their blood, born of generations of NorthernMaine, small-town folk, and brought up among them.In my memory of them is little of the “Rube” caricatureof the conventional theatre; they are neither buffoonsnor sentimentalists, and at least neither theirfaults nor their virtues are borrowed from the meltingpot but are the direct result of their own heritage andenvironment.
Owen Davis.
“Icebound” was originally produced in New York, February10, 1923, with the following cast:
Henry Jordan | John Westley |
Emma, his wife | Lotta Linthicum |
Nettie, her daughter by a former marriage | Boots Wooster |
Sadie Fellows, once Sadie Jordan, a widow | Eva Condon |
Orin, her son | Andrew J. Lawlor, Jr. |
Ella Jordan, the unmarried sister | Frances Neilson |
Doctor Curtis | Lawrence Eddinger |
Jane Crosby, a second cousin of the Jordans | Phyllis ... BU KİTABI OKUMAK İÇİN ÜYE OLUN VEYA GİRİŞ YAPIN!Sitemize Üyelik ÜCRETSİZDİR! |