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The Wise men of Godliman in Consultation
A Short
Of an Extraordinary
Delivery of Rabbets,
Perform’d by
Surgeon at Guilford.
Published by Mr. St. Andrè Surgeon and Anatomistto his Majesty.
The Second Edition.
Printed for John Clarke, at the Bible underthe Royal-Exchange. MDCCXXVII.
The Account of the Delivery ofthe eighteenth Rabbet, shall bePublished by way of Appendix to thisAccount.
Whatever may be the Fate ofthis Account, I think myself indispensably obligedto relate the Facts that I saw,and transacted my self, as also theReasons which first induced me to enquireinto the Truth of such an ExtraordinaryEvent; but I here declarethat I take on me no other Part ofthis Narration, than that in which I wasactually concerned.
As Mr. Howard himself intendsshortly to publish the whole Account,and prove every Circumstance of[4]it, by such Evidences as will putthis Matter out of all possibility ofDoubt, I must refer to him for severalParticulars here omitted.
And as it will be impossible to judgeimpartially of this Fact, till the Evidencesabovemention’d are produced,it cannot be doubted but all such Personsas are not governed by Prejudice,or some worse Motive, will suspendtheir Judgment till these Facts come totheir Knowledge by a more certainway, than by flying Reports and Conjectures.
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