Transcriber’s Note:
The cover image was created by the transcriber and is placed in the public domain.
Scene.—Monday at the Allen’s.—Mrs. Allen kneading bread.Tirzah Ann washing at the washtub.—Widder Doodle pickingover beans.—Elder Peedick sitting in the corner arranging abook of manuscript sermons.
Wid. D. Oh how much these beans makes me think ofDoodle. He died, Doodle did, and was a corpse just as quickas he died; but I never can forget that dear man, nor his linementnever. And it hain’t no ways likely that I shall evermarry agin’.
Sam. Cheer up, Widder Doodle, cheer up. You’ll disturbthe Elder, and he wants to get his sermons all pinned togetherbefore he starts; and Josiah is out after the horse now. I amglad you stayed over Sunday with us Elder.
Elder. I thank you, Madam. (He goes on with his work, speakingto himself): Let me see, where is the 20thly?