E-text prepared by
Kevin Handy, John Hagerson, Matthew Wheaton,
and the Online Distributed Proofreading Team
IDAHO Agricultural
Extension Service
JUNE, 1962
College of Agriculture
The minimum goals for credit in the4-H Electric project vary according to the4-H member's age and the number of yearshe or she has taken the electric project. Forexample, if you are a 4-H member beginningthe 4-H Electric project at the age of 10,you will not be required to earn as manycredit points as a 14-year-old 4-H memberbeginning the 4-H Electric project. However,if you are a 12-year-old in your secondyear of electricity you must earn asmany credit points in that year as a 14-year-olddoes in his or her first year.
Each lesson or goal has been designateda certain number of credit points. Theseare shown near the title of each lesson orgoal. You decide on the lessons you wantto study, list them, and add up the creditpoints.
For a full year's 4-H project credit, thetotal of your credit points should be at leastas many as shown in the following table:
Examples of reading the table below areas follows: (a) An 11-year-old member isrequired to complete 13 credit points thefirst year, (b) A 14-year-old is required tocomplete 17 credit points his first year, (c)A 14-year-old taking the electric project forthe third year must complete 16 credit pointsthat year.
We recommend that, if you are takingthe 4-H Electric project, you start with thefirst lesson in the book and go on throughto the back of the book in advanced years.But you may skip the less important or lessinteresting parts so long as you learn thebasic lessons. A way to find out whetheryou know the basic lessons is to read themthrough and try to answer all questionsunder the heading "What Did You Learn."If you can answer these questions you maynot wish to spend the time doing the thingslisted under "What To Do."
Minimum Number of Credit PointsRequired for Each Year's Work in the 4-H Electric Project
4-H Member's Age | 4-H Member's Year in 4-H Electric Project | |||
1st Year | 2nd Year | 3rd Year | 4th or Later Years | |
10-11 | 13 | 15 | ||
12-13 | 15 | 17 | 19 | 20 |
14-15 | 17 | 19 | 21 | 21 |
16 & over | 19 | 21 | 21 | 21 |