© 1934 G. F. Corp. 612 Ptd. in U. S. A.
Imagine a tapioca cream pudding as creamy as a Bavarian,as rich as a custard, as light as a whip! Imagine a tapiocafruit pudding more delicately delicious than any you evertasted in all your days! That’s what you get when youmake puddings with the NEW Minute Tapioca!
But texture is only part of the story! For all thesetempting Minute Tapioca desserts can now be made in afraction of the time, and with much less bother, than theyused to require. The New Minute Tapioca cooks in 5minutes, after the liquid scalds, instead of 15. It is preparedwith less work, and fewer dishes.
The recipes in this little book bring you the good news—startingwith the best and the easiest recipe for tapiocacream you’ve ever met. You’ll find here more than adozen grand cream desserts, full of real honest-to-goodnesshome-made nourishment ... new fruit tapiocas forevery season ... new baked tapioca puddings ... and 19recipes in which Minute Tapioca acts as a “precision ingredient,”giving just the desired texture or appearance—anda real margin of safety—to a lot of favorite but oftentroublesome dishes from soup to pie.
⅓ cup Minute Tapioca
½ cup sugar
¼ teaspoon salt
1 or 2 egg yolks
4 cups milk
1 or 2 egg whites, stiffly beaten
1 teaspoon flavoring
Combine[1] Minute Tapioca, sugar, salt, egg yolk, andmilk in top of double boiler and stir enough to breakegg yolk. Place over rapidly boiling water, bring toscalding point (allow 5 to 7 minutes), and cook5 minutes[2], stirring frequently. Remove from boilingwater. Fold a small amount into egg white; add toremaining tapioca mixture and blend. Cool—mixturethickens as it cools.[3] When slightly cool, add flavoring;chill. Serve in sherbet glasses. Garnish with whipped creamand a few berries or pieces of fruit, if desired. Serves 8.
From one recipe... make dozensof different,delicious desserts
Tapioca Creams ... see recipes on page 5
Raspberry Fluff ... Peach Cream ... Chocolate Delight ... Currant Coconut
Fold whip