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The object of this Treatise is to exhibit the chemicalprinciples of the art of making good and wholesomeBread, of Wheat, Oats, Rye, Barley, Rice,Potatoes, and other farinaceous substances used forthis purpose in different parts of the world.
I have first taken a view of the chemical constitutionof the Alimentary Substances derived from thevegetable kingdom, and have added an HistoricaliiSketch of the Art of Making Bread. I have elucidatedthe chemical constitution of the substances ofwhich Bread is made among civilized nations, as wellas of various nutritive materials, besides Bread Corn,which are used in different countries as substitutesfor Bread.
I have described the chemical analysis of BreadFlour, its immediate constituent parts, their proportionsin different kinds of grain, and the method ofseparating them. I have pointed out the materialsmore particularly fitted for the fabrication of Bread;I have explained the reason why a variety of AlimentaryFarinaceous Seeds, in common use, cannot bemade into light and porous loaf-bread, although theyare well calcula