Designed for the Instruction and Encouragement of Young Latter-daySaints.
Salt Lake City,
In issuing this, the Sixth Book of the FAITH-PROMOTING SERIES, we trustthat it will meet with the same kind reception that its predecessorshave. Perhaps no books that have ever been published in our Church havebecome so popular in so short a time as the volumes of this Serieswhich have already been issued. They have tended towards supplying awant which has long been felt in our community, and we feel assuredthat they have done a great amount of good.
Young minds, as a rule, are not attracted by those publications whichtreat specially upon doctrine. They are usually too profound for youngpeople to grasp and fully comprehend the ideas that are containedin them. To the person with fully matured mind and well-developedreasoning faculties they may appear ever so simple, and evenfascinating, but to most young people they are uninteresting, to somepositively distasteful. And yet there is scarcely a child but can betaught principle in the form of narrative, wherein the applicationis made for him in scenes from real life, and appreciate it. Thereis no more sure way of instilling into the mind of a child faith inGod and in the work which He has established upon the earth than byillustrating it with incidents from actual experience. The lesson, too,is likely to be all the more effective in the persons whose lives areheld up for examples are those with whom the child is acquainted and inwhom he has confidence. The lives of many of the Elders of the Churchof Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints abound in incidents which, ifwritten and published, would tend to inspire those who might read themwith faith in God and a spirit of emulation. We hope a more generalinterest may soon be felt throughout our Church in writing up suchincidents. That the host of children now growing up in the valleys ofthe mountains appreciate and are ready to profit by their perusal therecan be no doubt.
The FRAGMENTS OF EXPERIENCE herein contained are collected at random,but many valuable lessons may be drawn from the incidents narrated, andwe trust that the seed which they may sow in the hearts of those whoperuse them will be productive of a rich yield of fruit in the kingdomof our Father.
Mission to Illinois when a Boy—Attempt of a Deacon to Put me toShame—Open my Bible to the Passage Required—Prove our PositionCorrect from the Scriptures—Befriended by an Infidel—PreachersAssault on the "Frogs"—The "Frog" Replies.
Hear the Gospel by Chance—Compunction at Speaking Lightly ofthe Prophet—Join the Church—A New Suit of Clothes—Opposed byRelatives—My Old Friend, the Bible—A Dream—Required to Renounce"Mormonism" or Leave the House—My Relatives Refuse to Speak tome—They Pawn my Clothes—I Recover Them—Violence Used—My ClothesTorn—My Mother's Death—My Brothers Quarrel, and call upon me toSettle their Difficulties—My Brother Sick—Healed in Answer to myPrayer.
Driven from my Property by the Mob—Desire to Return and Recover someof it—Counseled by the Church Authorities not to Go—Persist inGoing—Visit a Friendly Family—Amiable Intention of my Debtors—Meettwo of Them They Threaten my Life—Despair of Getting Anything and Tryto Start Home—Beaten over the Head with a Pol