The Roman Embassy continued—Letter to Madame Récamier—Dispatchto M. le Comte Portalis—Conclaves—Dispatches to M. leComte Portalis—Letters to Madame Récamier—Dispatch to M.le Comte Portalis—Letters to Madame Récamier—Dispatch toM. le Comte Portalis—Letter to Madame Récamier—Letter tothe Marchese Capponi—Letters to Madame Récamier—Letter toM. le Duc de Blacas—Letters to Madame Récamier—Dispatch toM. le Comte Portalis—Letter to Monseigneur le Cardinal deClermont-Tonnerre—Dispatch to M. le Comte Portalis—Letters to MadameRécamier—Dispatches to M. le Comte Portalis—Fête at the VillaMedici for the Grand-duchess Helen—My relations and correspondencewith the Bonaparte Family—Dispatch to M. le Comte Portalis—MonteCavallo—Dispatch to M. le Comte Portalis—Letter to MadameRécamier—Presumption—The French in Rome—Walks—My nephew Christiande Chateaubriand—Letter to Madame Récamier—I return to Paris—Myplans—The King and his disposition—M. Portalis—M. de Martignac—Ileave for Rome—The Pyrenees—Adventures—The Polignac Ministry—Myconsternation—I come back to Paris—Interview with M. de Polignac—Iresign my Roman Embassy
Sycophancy of the newspapers—M. de Polignac's first colleagues—TheAlgerian Expedition—Opening of the Session of 1830—The Address—TheChamber is dissolved—New Chamber—I leave for Dieppe—TheOrdinances of the 25th of July—I return to Paris—Reflexions onthe journey—Letter to Madame Récamier—The Revolution of July—M.Baude, M. de Choiseul, M. de Sémonville, M. de Vitrolles, M. Laffitte,and M. Thiers—I write to the King at Saint-Cloud—His verbalanswer—Aristocratic corps—Pillage of the house of the missionariesin the Rue d'Enfer—The Chamber of Deputies—M. de Mortemart—Awalk through Paris—General Dubourg—Funeral ceremony—Under thecolonnade of the Louvre—The young men carry me back to the House ofPeers—Meeting of the Peers
The Republicans—The Orleanist—M. Thiers is sent toNeuilly—Convocation of peers at the Grand Refendary's—The letterreaches me too late—Saint-Cloud—Scene between M. le Dauphinand the Maréchal de Raguse—Neuilly—M. le Duc d'Orléans—TheRaincy—The Prince comes to Paris—A deputation from the ElectiveChamber offers M. le Duc d'Orléans the Lieutenant-generalshipof the Kingdom—He accepts—Efforts of the Republicans—M. leDuc d'Orléans goes to the Hôtel de Ville—The Republicans at thePalais-Royal—The King leaves Saint-Cloud—Madame la Dauphine arrivesat Trianon—The Diplomatic Body—Rambouillet—3 August: opening ofthe Session—Letter from Charles X. to M. le Duc d'Orléans—Themob sets out for Rambouillet—Flight of the King—Reflections—ThePalais-Royal—Conversations—Last political temptation—M. deSainte-Aulaire—Last gasp of the Republican Party—The day's work ofthe 7th of August—Sittin