Transcriber's Note:
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BEETON'S (Mrs.) BOOK OF HOUSEHOLD MANAGEMENT,comprising every kind of Practical Information on Domestic Economy and ModernCookery, with numerous Woodcuts and Coloured Illustrations.
"Mrs. Isabella Beeton's 'Book of Household Management' aims at being a compendium ofhousehold duties in every grade of household life, from the mistress to the maid-of-all-work. Itis illustrated by numerous diagrams, exhibiting the various articles of food in their original state,and there are also coloured plates to show how they ought to look when dished and ready for thetable. The verdict of a practical cook of great experience, on returning the book to her mistress,was, 'Ma'am, I consider it an excellent work; it is full of useful information about everything, whichis quite delightful; and I should say any one might learn to cook from it who never tried before."—TheAthenæum.
BEETON'S DICTIONARY OF UNIVERSAL INFORMATION,A to Z. Comprising Geography, Biography, History, Mythology, Biblical Knowledge,Chronology, with the Pronunciation of every Proper Name.
"The 'Dictionary of Universal Information,' just published by Mr. S. O. Beeton, supplies adesideratum much and widely felt--that of a comprehensive yet portable dictionary of proper names.The 'Encyclopædia Britannica,' the 'English Encyclopædia,' and the other great digests of humanknowledge, in consequence of their high price, are accessible only to a few. In such works no specialprovision is made for supplying short and comprehensive information regarding individual words,arranged in their alphabetical order, of the kind most likely to be required by the great mass ofgeneral readers. Mr. Beeton to some extent enters a new field in devoting a Dictionary exclusivelyto proper names in Geography, History, Biography, Mythology, Bible Knowledge, and Chronology.In these pages condensation has been in every way sought after, and we know of no work whichsupplies more information at a smaller cost."—The Times.
BEETON'S DICTIONARY OF UNIVERSAL INFORMATION,A to Z. Comprising the Sciences, Arts, Literary Knowledge, with the Etymologyand Pronunciation of every Leading Term.