There is one Footnote in this book. Its anchor is denoted by [1], andthe Footnote has been placed at the end of the book.
Some minor changes to the text are also noted at the end of the book.These are indicated by a dashed blue underline.
A regard for your good opinion, and a wish to promotethe cause, which, as Abolitionists, lies near our hearts, is ourmotive for addressing you. We think the opposition to ourenterprise arises either from commercial, political or domesticconnections with Slavery, or from misapprehensionsrespecting our principles, measures and prospects. We desireno better means of overcoming these obstacles than afair statement of facts; and to this we now solicit your attention.
We believe that all men are born free and equal, and endowedby their Creator with certain inalienable rights,among which are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
We believe Slavery is an infraction of these rights, aviolation of the principles of christianity, and under allcircumstances sinful.
We believe that Slavery is a great national evil, political aswell as moral, opposed to the genius of a republican government,highly dangerous to the peace and permanency of theUnion, and if persisted in, destined to bring upon us theseverest judgments of Heaven.
We believe the immediate abolition of slavery would besafe and wise, and that it is the duty of every friend of humanityto use all fair and just means for its accomplishment.
We believe we have a right to express and publish ouropinions respecting the customs and institutions of the peopleof this and every other country; and if we think them inany degree immoral, unequal, or oppressive, we are underthe highest obligations, in the exercise of all honest andlawful means, to change them.
We believe that Slavery in the several states can be lawfullyabolished only by the legislatures of the states in whichit prevails, and that the exercise of any other than moralmeans to induce such abolition, is unconstitutional.
We believe that Congress has a right to abolish Slaveryin the District of Columbia, and in the Territories, and toprohibit the slave trade between the states, and that the exerciseof this right is required by the divine law, and by theinterests of our country.
We believe that no class of men can rightfully be denied,on account of their color, the enjoyment of equal rights withothers, in the protection, immunities and administrat