Scientific American Supplement, Vol. XVIII No. 467. | NEW YORK, DECEMBER 13, 1884. | Scientific American Supplement, $5 a year. |
Scientific American, established 1845. | Scientific American and Supplement, $7 a year. | |
The Berlin Academy of Industry and the Academy ofBuilding were united in 1876 to form the Technical HighSchool. It was found that the buildings were not sufficientlylarge for the great number of scholars, and arrangementswere made for erecting new buildings affording better accommodations.The first design was made by Lucal, who,after his death, was succeeded by Hitzig, who died in 1821,and who was succeeded, in turn, by Mr. Raschdorff.
The main building is shown in the annexed cut, taken fromthe Illustrirte Zeitung. It is four stories high and 754 ft.long, and the middle and side wings are about 656 ft. deep,the portions between the wings being about 164 ft. deep.In the interior five square courts are arranged, of which twoare at the right and two at the left, and are separated by intermediatebuilding. The middle court in the central portionof the building is covered by a glass roof and forms avestibule surrounded by arcades, the halls of which lead todifferent rooms. In the middle portion are the rooms forthe officers, and the reading rooms. The courts are erectedin brick with sgraffito ornamentation; and the front, sides,and rear are erected in sandstone on a granite base. Thefirst story, or ground floor, is of a yellowish color, and theupper story is of a clear whitish-gray. The building is richlyornamented by statues, busts, reliefs, and groups representingthe different architects, artists, scientists, etc.
The buildings of the University of Strassburg are arrangedin two groups; one in the northern and the other inthe southern part of the city. All the buildings of the medicaldepartment were erected in the neighborhood of thehospital, which is located between the south wall of thecity and the River Ill.
In front of the old "Fischerthor," or Fishergate, the collegehouse, or college building proper, in which are locatedthe offices, lecture rooms, etc., was erected. A front perspectiveview of this building is shown in the lower part ofthe