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ANIMISM (continued).
Doctrine of Soul’s Existence after Death; its main divisions, Transmigrationand Future Life—Transmigration of Souls: re-birth inHuman and Animal Bodies, transference to Plants and Objects—Resurrectionof Body: scarcely held in savage religion—FutureLife: a general if not universal doctrine of low races—Continuedexistence, rather than Immortality; second death of Soul—Ghostof Dead remains on earth, especially if corpse unburied; itsattachment to bodily remains—Feasts of the Dead 1
ANIMISM (continued).
Journey of the Soul to the Land of the Dead—Visits by the Livingto the Regions of Departed Souls—Connexion of such legendswith myths of Sunset: the Land of the Dead thus imagined asin the West—Realization of current religious ideas, whether ofsavage or civilized theology, in narratives of visits to the Regionsof Souls—Localization of the Future Life—Distant earthly region:Earthly Paradise, Isles of the Blest—Subterranean Hades or Sheol—Sun,Moon, Stars—Heaven—Historical course of belief as to suchlocalization—Nature of Future Life—Continuance-theory, apparentlyoriginal, belongs especially to the lower races—Transitionaltheories—Retribution-theory, apparently derived, belongs especiallyto the higher races—Doctrine of Moral Retribution as developedin the higher culture—Survey of Doctrin