A Monthly Magazine Devoted to the Promotion of True Culture.
Organ of the Chautauqua Literary and Scientific Circle.
FROM OCTOBER, 1882, TO JULY, 1883.
Meadville, PA.
Copyrighted by Theodore L. Flood, in the Office of the Librarian of Congress, Washington, D. C., 1883.
Agassiz at Penikese, With. Prof. J. Tingley, Ph.D. 533.
Air, The Worth of Fresh. 386, 449.
Amusements—Lawn Tennis. Robert Macgregor. 441.
Announcement for 1882-3, C. L. S. C. 113, 172.
Answers. To Questions for Further Study. A. M. Martin. 288, 355.
Arizona. Rev. Sheldon Jackson, D.D. 255.
Art and Artists, Some German. 259.
Assembly of 1882, California. 46.
Assembly, Pacific Coast C. L. S. C. 597.
Astrology—The Romance of Astronomy. R. K. Miller, M.A. 441.
Astronomy, Discrepancies in. Bishop Warren. 458.
Astronomy. Lecture by Bishop Warren. 596.
Attempts to Fly in the Air. From the French of F. Marion. 96.
Bible and Nature, The. Rev. J. B. Thomas, D.D. 573.
Book Notices. 177, 302, 486, 608.
Borrowing and Lending, Morals and Sorrows of. A. Denbar. 151.
By-Ways, In Some Medical. Andrew Wilson, F. R. S. E. 537.
Change in Words, Constant. John Peile, M.A. 586.
Chautauqua Emerging from Winter. Rev. Victor Cornelle. 413.
Chautauqua Ripples. 538.
Circles, Local. 104, 163, 225, 282, 347, 403, 459, 525, 592.
Circles, How to Conduct Local. Dr. J. H. Vincent. 289.
C. L. S. C., The. Miss Myrtie Hudson. 44.
C. L. S. C., Pacific Branch. 523.
C. L. S. C. Work. 42, 102, 161, 222, 280, 345, 401, 457, 5