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Mr. Russell: Ladies and gentlemen.I am very glad to have the opportunityof speaking to you this afternoon,and I may say at the outsetthat it is obvious that my adversaryand I agree upon one thing, and thatis that we are discussing what is absolutelythe most vital question beforethe American people today. (Applause.)We are absolutely in accordon that, and we are just as far opposedin our method of approach asit is possibly probable to be.
I want to say at the outset that weare going to deal—or I am, and I assumemy adversary is, too—withideals and principles and not withpersons. I want you to realize that Iconsider myself speaking—and Itrust reverently—on the most importantsubject that I have ever advocated.
I heard one of the greatest psychologiststhis country has ever producedwho said “When you conceiveof the mere handful of people that inhabitall the globe, and you think of4the vast river of humanity that isflowing on this planet, and you thinkof the billions of unborn, you wonderif man sometimes transcends theimpossible and thinks and considersthe unborn as God himself,” and I believetoday I am speaking in behalfof the great unborn—those whoare being murdered by the thousands,if not millions, in a manner that fartranscends the method of our warfare.
Now, I said that we are going tospeak of ideals and principles andnot of persons. It is very difficultoftentimes not to attack a person orhurt his feelings when you characterizethe principle of an act, and yousometimes have to be assailing aperson. I hope and I try to love everyhuman being on the face of the earth.There are principles and ideals I abominateand abhor with every dropof blood and feeling that I have. Inever want that abhorrence of theprinciple or ideal of the person to adhereto that person.
I heard a minister the other dayspeaking of the French and Germanswho were having some conferences,and he was asked “did they still hateone another?” and he said they didnot hate one another because theybroke bread together and you could5not hate a person with whom youhave broken bread, and he could nothate anybody that he knew.
I hate and abominate the principlesthat I am fighting, but I trustthat you will take the sting, fumigateit, take the anti-toxin, if youwill, because I don’t want any allusionsto personality to be taken fromany of the statements that I make.
Another thing I want to say aboutmy opponent, and I hope she will saythe same a