Home and Garden Bulletin No. 43
Human Nutrition Research Division
Consumer and Food Economics Research Division
Agricultural Research Service
US. Department of Agriculture
Washington 25, DC
February 1955
Slightly revised October 1962
This bulletin is a revision of and supersedes Leaflet No. 289.
For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, US. Government Printing Office
Washington 25, DC.—Price 20 cents
This is easy to answer after you have decided on the main dish.
The main dish is especially important in meal planning. It is the hub around whichthe rest of the meal is built, and often it carries a large proportion of the cost of themeal. Usually the main dish is the main source of protein—so essential to buildingand repairing body tissues.
In this booklet are recipes and suggestions for about 150 main dishes—easy to make,hearty, and economical. Most of the dishes give four liberal servings; a few providemore.
Most of these main dishes furnish about a fourth of the day’s needs for protein. Forthose that provide less, additional protein foods are specified in the menu suggestionfollowing the recipe. Or you may prefer to increase the amount of protein-rich foodin the main dish—by adding more meat, for instance, to a main-dish soup, salad, orcasserole. The rest of the day’s protein will come from milk used as a beverage, andfrom cereals, bread, and other foods eaten as part of the day’s meals.
You get top-rating proteins (as well as other important nutrients) in foods fromanimal sources, as in meat, poultry, fish, eggs, milk, cheese. Some of these proteinfoods are needed each day; and it is an advantage to include some in each meal.
Next best for proteins are soybeans and nuts and dry beans and peas. When theseor grain products are featured in main dishes, try to combine