Transcriber's Note:
The cover image was created by the transcriber and is placed in the public domain.
The Three Kings—Cathedral—Council of Basle—Puritan rules—Dance ofDeath—Seats in the Diligence—Supplement—The Rhine—An Aldermanin trouble—Dining in haste—English manners—Girls in holiday dress—Fallsof the Rhine—Niagara—Up the river—Old nunneries—Gottlieben—Prisonsof Huss and Jerome of Prague.
A decaying Town—the Kaufhaus—Famous Council—Dungeon of Huss—Sceneof Martyrdom—House of Huss—Lake Constance—the Ride toZurich—Villages—the Valley—Hotel Baur—a Swiss Cottage—the Furnishing—MilesCoverdale—Zwingle—Lavater’s Grave—the Library—SunsetView from the Botanical Garden.
Climbing the Utleberg—Fat woman on a donkey—First Alpine view—Thevalley, lake and hills—Haunts of Lavater, Zimmerman, Klopstock, Gessner—Thework of Escher—Coming Down—Baur Hotel—Lake Zurich—LakeZug—Golda—Land-side—Ruin—Ascent of the Rigi—The best route—Chapelsby the way—Mary of the Snow—Convent and monks—TheSummit—The Company—Change of Temperature—Sunset—Supper—Night—Sunrise—Gloryof the view—Getting down again—Fat mandone up.
The Lake—Avalanches—Pontius Pilate—Lucerne—Dance of Death—Fishing—Stormon the Lake—Ramble among the Peasantry—Two Dwarfs—On theLake—Rifle Shooting—Chapel of William Tell—Scenes in his Life—Altorf—Hay-Making—aGreat Day.
The Priest’s Leap—The Devi