O. Henry, Afrite-Chef of all delight—
Of all delectables conglomerate
That stay the starved brain and rejuvenate
The Mental Man! The æsthetic appetite—
So long enhungered that the “inards” fight
And growl gutwise—its pangs thou dost abate
And all so amiably alleviate,
Joy pats his belly as a hobo might
Who haply hath obtained a cherry pie
With no burnt crust at all, ner any seeds;
Nothin’ but crisp crust, and the thickness fit.
And squashin’-juicy, an’ jes’ mighty nigh
Too dratted, drippin’-sweet for human needs,
But fer the sosh of milk that goes with it.Writtenin the character of “Sherrard
Plummer” by James WhitcombRiley