AFTER considerable weighing of thepros and cons I have decided toinclude the names of firms where certainsupplies may be bought. I realize thatthis sort of free advertisement is eminentlyunjust to other worthy houses handling thesame lines of goods, but the case is one ofself-defense. In The Forest I rashly offeredto send to inquirers the name of thefirm making a certain kind of tent. Atthis writing I have received and answeredover eleven hundred inquiries. Since thepublication of these papers in The OutingMagazine, I have received hundreds ofrequests for information as to where this,that, or the other thing may be had. I havetried to answer them all, but to do so hasbeen a tax on time I would not care torepeat. Therefore I shall try in the following[viii]pages to give the reader all the practicalinformation I possess, even though, asstated, I may seem unduly to advertise thecertain few business houses with which I havehad satisfactory dealings. It is needless toremark that I am interested in none of thesefirms, and have received no especial favorsfrom them.