‘The reader who wants to satisfy himself as to the value of this book, and thenovelty which its teaching possesses, need not go beyond the first chapter, on “TheBoiling of Water.” But if he reads this he certainly will go further, and will probablybegin to think how he can induce his cook to assimilate some of the valuablelessons which Mr. Williams gives. If he can succeed in that he will have done avery good day’s work for his health and house. . . . About the economical value ofthe book there can be no doubt.’—Spectator.
‘Will be welcomed by all who wish to see the subject of the preparation of foodreduced to a science. . . . Perspicuously and pleasantly Mr. Williams explains thewhy and the wherefore of each successive step in any given piece of culinary work.Every mistress of a household who wishes to raise her cook above the level of a mereautomaton will purchase two copies of Mr. Williams’s excellent book—the one forthe kitchen, and the other for her own careful and studious perusal.’—Knowledge.
‘Thoroughly readable, full of interest, with enough of the author’s personalityto give a piquancy to the stories told.’—Westminster Review.
‘Mr. Williams is a good chemist and a pleasant writer: he has evidently beena keen observer of dietaries in various countries, and his little book contains muchthat is worth reading.’—Athenæum.
‘There is plenty of room for this excellent book by Mr. Mattieu Williams. . . .There are few conductors of cookery classes who are so thoroughly grounded in thescience of the subject that they will not find many valuable hints in Mr. Williams’spages.’—Scotsman.
‘Throughout the work we find the signs of care and thoughtful investigation. . . .Mr. Williams has managed most judiciously to compress into a very small compassa vast amount of authoritative information on the subject of food and feedinggenerally—and the volume is really quite a compendium of its subject.’—Food.
‘The British cook might derive a good many useful hints from Mr. Williams’slatest book. . . . The author of “The Chemistry of Cookery” has produced a veryinteresting work. We heartily recommend it to theorists, to people who cook forthemselves, and to all who are anxious to spread abroad enlightened ideas upona most important subject. . . . Hereafter, cookery will be regarded, even in thisisland, as a high art and science. We may not live to those delightful days; butwhen they come, and the degree of Master of Cookery is granted to qualifiedcandidates, the “Chemistry of Cookery” will be a text-book in the schools, and thebust of Mr. Mattieu Williams will stand side by side with that of Count Rumfordupon every properly-appointed kitchen dresser.’—Pall Mall Gazette.
‘Housekeepers who wish to be fully informed as to the nature of successfulculinary operations should read “The Chemistry of Cookery.”’—Christian World.
‘In all