"When found, make a note of."—CAPTAIN CUTTLE.
VOL. IV.—No. 105.
Price Threepence. Stamped Edition, 4d.
Some Latin scribal abbreviationsin this text can be tentatively expanded: dimid' seems to be short for dimidio, ann' for anno, Dñs for Dominus, Dñi for Domini, Dño for Domino, p' for pro, p'misit for promisit, 'p for pre, and q' for que.Greek letters have been retained as printed. The spelling of νόμεσθαι, as taken over from Stolbergius, seems to be a typographical error forνέμεσθαι.
The Claims of Literature 337
Daniel Defoe and the "Mercator," by James Crossley 338
Punishment of Edward Prince of Wales, by King Edward I., for Disrespect to a Judge, by William Sidney Gibson 338
Noteson the Word: "Αδελφος," by T. R. Brown 339
Lambert, the "Arch-Rebell," by Richard John King 339
The Caxton Coffer, by Bolton Corney 340
Minor Notes:—A Hint to Catalogue Makers—Virgil and Goldsmith—Mental Almanac—Merlin and the Electric Telegraph 340
Bishop Bramhall and Milton 341
The Sempills of Beltrus: Robert Sempill 343
Descendants of John of Gaunt 343
Minor Queries:—Rocky Chasm near Gaëta: Earthquake at the Crucifixion—Cavalcade—A Sept of Hibernians—Yankee Doodle—Seventeenth of November: Custom—Chatter-box—Printing in 1449, and Shakspeare—Texts before Sermons—Paradyse, Hell, Purgatory—Dead Letter—Dominus Bathurst, &c.—Grammar Schools—Fermilodum—Lord