With Thirty-eight Illustrations from Photographs taken by the U. S.Forest Service
Much of the wilderness is yet but little trod. Great stretches of virginforest still remain within whose dim recesses nothing is changed sincethe days the Indians dwelt in them. The mystery and the adventure arenot sped, the grandeur and the companionship still pulse among theglades, the "call of the wild" is an unceasing cry, and to that call theboy responds.
But if this impulse to return to the shelter of the wilds be still sostrong, how greatly more intense does it become when we awaken to thefact that the forest needs our help even more than we need its sense offreedom. When we perceive that the fate of these great belts of untamedwilderness lies in the hands of a small group of men whose mastery isabsolute, when first we realize that national benefits—great almostbeyond the believing—are intrusted to these men, surely Desire andDuty leap to grip hands and pledge themselves to the service of theforests of our land. To breathe the magnificent spaces of the West, toreveal the wealth and beauty of our great primeval woods, to acclaim theworth of the men who administer them, and to show splendid possibilitiesto a lad of grit and initiative is the aim and purpose of