

September 25 cents  FILM TRUTH  “That Little Red Devil”  MOVIE SPICE!


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F I L M   T R U T H

Vol. 1, No. 6September, 1920
Published every month by FILM TRUTH, INC., Leroy A.
Pales, president, 2255 Broadway, New York City

“FILM TRUTH” accepts no advertising, prints no press-agent bunk, has noboss other than its thousands of readers—and is prepared to travelwillingly to the eternal bowwows the day it discovers that any otherguidance is necessary.

It is the only publication for the public that comes from “within theindustry,” with all the real news, and the latest news.

You get concentrated, unadulterated, unalloyed “pep” when you buy “FILMTRUTH,” without a wasted word or a slushy syllable.

But—to be sure of getting “FILM TRUTH” every month you must let yournewsdealer know that you want it. His orders are limited and he can’t beblamed if you are disappointed when an issue sells out faster than heanticipated. Be on the safe side and have him save a copy for you everymonth. Tell him to-day!

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Simper, Simple Sucker


DON’T cry little sucker—don’t cry! If they put Ponzi in jail the movieswill get you bye and bye. You will always be taken care of—considerablymore “taken” than cared for.

An easily deceived world has been led to believe that the official birthrate of the sucker clan is “one every minute”—but the man who made thecalculation must have had a slow-motion watch.

We know that we are babbling words of truth. For we have before us theshining example—the word “shine” is appropriate—of a person who callshimself “Director Brennan.” Almost as long as we can remember, thisself-christened “Director Brennan” has been fishing in the ShimmeringSucker Sea with the movies as his bait. And the fishing must be good,for he keeps at it, and keeps expanding.

Our first recollection of the fisherman calls to mind some very crudebait. But it worked. For a fee of several seaworthy simoleons, simperingsuckers who thought they had ability that could successfully cope with acamera were permitted to see their photographic likeness in a bulletinwhich they were warmly assured met the eyes of all the leading producersand casting directors. The open road to a screen career was to pay forthe insertion of your photograph in the bulletin—and pay again, and paysome more. Directors had to have players, and logic is logic, sooner orlater some director was going to see your photo.




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