Transcriber’s Note:
The cover image was created by the transcriber and is placed in the public domain.
As, regardless of Custom and Prejudice, Narrow-mindednessand Long-established Wrong, will bravelyassert and uphold the Laws of Justice, of Nature, andof Right; I dedicate the following pages, with thehope that a straightforward inspection of the evilsafflicting Society, will lead to their demolition inthe only way possible—namely, by giving to Womenequal rights with Men. Not till then will Society bepurified, wrongdoing punished, or Man start forwardalong that road which shall lead to Perfection.
I make no apology for this preface. It may beunusual but then the book it deals with is unusual.There is but one object in “Gloriana.” It isto speak of evils which do exist, to study facts whichit is a crime to neglect, to sketch an artificial position—thecreation of laws false to Nature—unparalleledfor injustice and hardship.
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