The secret victoryBy Stephen McKennaNew YorkGoerge H. Doran Company
You, who have read the three volumes of The Sensationalistsin manuscript, place me under further obligation byallowing me to dedicate the third to you in commemorationof a friendship which has been long, intimate and—to me—unmatched.Though I acquit you of responsibility forshortcomings in anything that I have written, the tale ofthese shortcomings would have been far longer if I hadnot availed myself of your unfailing vigilance and ever-readyhelp, as I have profited by your sensitive criticismand sympathetic encouragement.
The novel-trilogy is so little acclimatized to latter-dayGeorgian England that, though it may need no defence,it has provoked attacks from readers who will suffer allartistic forms but those which are offered to the public inhis present majesty’s reign; I say no more in its apologythan that it provides a convenient medium for a study