Transcriber’s Note:
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ELECTRICITY AND MATTER. By Joseph John Thomson, D.Sc., LL.D.,Ph.D., F.R.S., Fellow of Trinity College and Cavendish Professor of ExperimentalPhysics, Cambridge University. (Fourth printing.)
THE INTEGRATIVE ACTION OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM. ByCharles S. Sherrington, D.Sc., M.D., Hon. LL.D. Tor., F.R.S., HoltProfessor of Physiology, University of Liverpool. (Sixth printing.)
RADIOACTIVE TRANSFORMATIONS. By Ernest Rutherford, D.Sc.,LL.D., F.R.S., Macdonald Professor of Physics, McGill University.(Second printing.)
EXPERIMENTAL AND THEORETICAL APPLICATIONS OF THERMODYNAMICSTO CHEMISTRY. By Dr. Walter Nernst, Professorand Director of the Institute of Physical Chemistry in the University ofBerlin.
PROBLEMS OF GENETICS. By William Bateson, M.A., F.R.S., Directorof the John Innes Horticultural Institution, Merton Park, Surrey, England.(Second printing.)
STELLAR MOTIONS. With Special Reference to Motions Determined byMeans of the Spectrograph. By William Wallace Campbell, Sc.D.,LL.D., Director of the Lick Observatory, University of California. (Secondprinting.)
THEORIES OF SOLUTIONS. By Svante Arrhenius, Ph.D., Sc.D., M.D.,Director of the Physico-Chemical Department of the Nobel Institute,Stockholm, Sweden. (Third printing.)
IRRITABILITY. A Physiological Analysis of the General Effect of Stimuliin Living Substances. By Max Verworn, M.D., Ph.D., Professor at BonnPhysiological Institute. (Second printing.)
PROBLEMS OF AMERICAN GEOLOGY. By William North Rice,Frank D. Adams, Arthur P. Coleman, Charles D. Walcott, WaldemarLindgren, Frederick Leslie Ransome, and William D. Matthew.(Second printing.)
THE PROBLEM OF VOLCANISM. By Joseph Paxson Iddings, Ph.B.,Sc.D. (Second printing.)
ORGANISM AND ENVIRONMENT AS ILLUSTRATED BY THEPHYSIOLOGY OF BREATHING. By John Scott Haldane, M.D.,LL.D., F.R.S., Fellow of New College, Oxford University. (Second printing.)
A CENTURY OF SCIENCE IN AMERICA. With Special Reference to theAmerican Journal of Science 1818–1918. By Edward Salisbury Dana,Charles Schuchert, Herbert E. Gregory, Joseph Barrell, GeorgeOtis Smith, Richard Swann Lull, Louis V. Pirsson, William E. Ford,R. B. Sosman, Horace L. Wells, Harry W. Foote, Leigh Page, WesleyR. Coe, and George L. Goodale.