
George Washington Carver National Monument, Junior Ranger Activity Book (The Scientist)

George Washington Carver National Monument

Junior Ranger Activity Book
The Scientist


A Junior Ranger’s Job....

Welcome to George Washington Carver NationalMonument’s Junior Ranger Program!

George Washington Carver National Monument isa special place that needs people like you to take care ofit. By becoming a Junior Ranger you can help preservenational parks so that future generations may also enjoythem!

Explore the park and have fun while you completethe steps to become a Junior Ranger. When you arefinished, take this booklet to the Visitor Center and havea Park Ranger or other staff member sign your certificateand issue your badge.

Thank you for helping to preserve national parks.Remember to have fun!

Junior rangers

A Park Ranger’s Job....

Park Rangers help protect and take care ofAmerica’s national parks. Park Rangers work atnational parks all across the United States. Here atGeorge Washington Carver National Monument,Park Rangers have many important jobs, such as:

Park Ranger
• Teaching people about George Washington Carver
• Protecting the plants and animals
• Taking care of the trails, museum, and historic structures
• Giving park tours
• Leading nature walks
• Providing assistance to visitors
• Much more!

Are you ready to begin your journey throughGeorge Washington Carver National Monumentand discover many things about Dr. Carver? Turnto the next page!


Becoming a Junior Ranger....

Earn your Junior Ranger badge and certificate byfollowing these two steps:

Young George

1. Complete at least one of theactivity pages with a sketch ofyoung George.

Carver in Lab

2. Complete at least five of the activity pages with asketch of George Washington Carver in hislaboratory.

Once you have completed both steps, take youractivity book to the visitor center for a Park Rangerto sign your certificate and to issue your JuniorRanger badge!


A Park Ranger Program....

Young George

There are many Park Rangerprograms offered at the park. Checkat the visitor cent



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