Intended for the Instruction and Encouragement of Young Latter-daySaints.
Nos. 1-5, $1.35,
Nos. 6-10, $1.25.
Remarkable Spiritual Manifestations—Thrilling Experience of ElderDavid P. Kimball, as Narrated by himself.
Account of Patten Kimball and Others, Regarding the Search for andFinding of his Father.
Briant Stringham Stevens Becomes a Missionary to His Associates andBrings Four Boys to Belief and Baptism—A Good Child who Passed Amidstthe Daily Temptations of Life Unscathed.
Accidents to Briant—He is Ordained to the Priesthood—PatientEndurance of His Sufferings—He is Blessed to be an Elder and thenSlumbers in Death.
A "Helpful Vision" to Briant's Stricken Father—the ComforterBrings the Peace which Passes All Understanding—The Funeral ofthe Little Missionary—His Work Lives after Him.
Called to Australasia—The Modern Imitators of Job's Friends—Our"Special Instruction" is to "Build up the Kingdom of God in thoseLands"—A Disappointment ends in a Blessing—Promises by an Apostlewhich were Literally Fulfilled—We Reach Sydney, I am Separated From myCompanion.
Labor which Brought Little Compensation—A Mysterious Call toNew Zealand—Attacked by an Evil Spirit—The Visitation ThriceRepeated—Meeting the Brother of a Friend—On Board the WakatipuBound for New Zealand.
An Irreverent Company of Passengers—Sickness and a Horror of LifeFall Upon Me—A "Helpful Vision"—"Only be True"—Invoking theName of Christ—A Jolly Singer and a Jolly Song—Landing at PortLittleton—Strange Recognition of Brother Nordstrand—His DreamConcerning Me.
Reason for my Sudden Call to Leave Sydney—The Little Old Lady of theWakatipu—She had Waited a Generation to Renew her Covenants—Another"Helpful Vision"—A Mysterious Half-Sovereign—Saved from Death in aSwift River.
Some Old Members of the Church—The Spirit Prompts Promises to Themwhich are Literally Fulfilled—Help from a Catholic Who is SuddenlyConverted and Who as Suddenly Apostatizes—A Spontaneous Prophecy—TheJourney Home—A Careful Observer—Safe in Zion.
Solemn Warnings—A Traitor can Never be Anything butDespicable—Examples of the Past.
The very encouraging reports we are constantly receiving from variousparts of the country concerning the vast amount of good accomplished bythese