Transcriber’s Note:
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Printed by and for A. Campbell, and sold by the Booksellers of London and Westminster. 1727. (Price 6 d.)
After that long andparticular Detail of myself, and of my variousAdventures in so manydifferent and remote parts of theGlobe, as I have lately entertain’d2the Public with, I little thoughtany private Occurrence, in so smalla Spot as the Island of Great Britain,could have rous’d my Attention, andbroke in upon that Repose, in whichI hop’d to have spent the Remains ofa declining Life. But small and inconsiderableas it is, I consider it ismy own Country; the Thought ofwhich, together with that inextinguishableThirst after Truth andKnowledge, in regard to my self, andan ardent Inclination of communicatingit to others, have prevail’dupon me once more to be expos’d inPrint, in order to express my Abhorrenceof a late diabolical Imposture:propagated, not so much bythe Knavery of some, as by the Ignoranceand Stupidity of others. Ineed not say I mean the Rabbit Affair;3with which, for some Weekspast, the Minds of the People of thisIsland have been so seriously and sosurprizingly employ’d; so as scarceto leave them any Leisure forThings of a more sublime Nature,and of vastly greater Consequenceand Importance.
And tho’ I verily believe this tobe the real and only Cause, why thePerusal of my Travels has been soneglected of late, which, by the Decayof the Sale, has