With this second book of Practical School Discipline,we wish to send to each member of the Teachers’ Clubour personal word of greeting. Applied Methods waswritten for you. Primarily it was written for you only.It is a book to help teachers, by means of teachers’experiences. We believe it will lighten your work,brighten your school room, and lengthen your yearsof effective service by easing the friction in daily schoolroutine. Work can no longer be drudgery when conductedaccording to principles which take the drudgeryout of it.
Because we have faith in the principles herein discussed,we are desirous to learn from each member ofthe “Teachers’ Club” what the result has been in hisor her individual case. Have you been particularlysuccessful in the management of some difficult situation?Write and tell us about it. Have you failed tofind your own specific problem treated within thesepages? Tell us that also. Perhaps we can help youby letter.
The Teachers’ Club is a coöperative organizationfrom which we expect the most stimulating results—resultswhich can be made much more effective by personalcorrespondence with its members. Your experiencemay help another who is still struggling with thedifficulty which you have overcome. Another teacher’s6experience may help you. Our offices are clearinghouses for exchange of views and mutual aid. Coöperationwe believe to be the principle which eventuallymust supplant, throughout the world, the crudermethod of competition. The members of the “Teacher’sClub,” the first and only one to be organized uponthis plan, will be quick to recognize the higher idealand to respond thereto.
Finally, if the better understandi