Adventuring with new recipes is part of whatmakes homemaking enjoyable. Each discoveryhelps to add your special touch to thefoods you serve to family and friends.
With foods like sparkling-bright cannedfruit pie fillings available to you, it’s easyand fun to create new dishes. These fresh-fruitpie fillings can be used in a myriad ofways right from the can ... as toppings forcheese cakes, sauces for sundaes or hamslices or as rich fillings for quick-to-fix pies.You’ll want to try them, too, as the masteringredients in breads and cakes, cookies andpretty party desserts. Sample the offeringshere and then go adventuring on your own;canned fruit pie fillings can add the magicthat will set your meals apart from the rest.
Set a mood that’s both glamorous and homey with the warm fragrance and taste of breads fresh from your oven. They’re wonderful any time, for any occasion!
½ cup butter
¾ cup sugar
1 egg
⅓ cup milk
2 cups sifted all-purpose flour
2 teaspoons baking powder
½ teaspoon salt
1 No. 2 can (2 cups) blueberry pie filling
Cream butter and sugar; beat in egg. Blend in milk.Sift together dry ingredients and add to creamed mixture.Spread half the batter in a greased 8x8x2-inchpan; cover with ¾ can blueberry pie filling. Spread remainingbatter over pie filling; top with remaining piefilling. Mix ½ cup sugar, ½ cup flour and ½ teaspooncinnamon; cut in 2 tablespoons butter. Sprinkle crumbmixture over bread. Bake at 375° for 30 to 40 minutes.
2 cans refrigerated crescent dinner rolls
1 No. 2 can (2 cups) cherry pie filling
1 tablespoon orange juice
1 cup sifted confectioners’ sugar
Unroll packaged refrigerator roll dough; place 1 squaremade up of 2 triangles on a floured surface. Roll or patto even dough and make a 6-inch square; cut in halfas marked to make 2 triangles. Place triangles on ungreasedbaking sheet. Place 1 tablespoon of cherry piefilling in the center of the triangle. Pick up the 2 longends, fold over filling, bringing them together at thecenter point to form a square; pinch edges to seal. Repeatwith remaining rolls and pie filling. Bake at 375°for 15 minutes or until browned. Blend orange juiceand confectioners’ sugar; drizzle over the hot rolls tog