The text is annotated with numerous footnotes, which were numberedsequentially on each page. On occasion, a footnote itself isannotated by a note. In the previous two volumes, these werereferenced using symbols (e.g. *, †), which have been convertedto an alphabetic sequence (e.g., A, B). In this volume, however, the‘subnotes’ appear in one instance as numerals. For the sake of consistency, theconvention used in the previous volumes has been adopted.
Since there are over 900 notes in this volume, they have beengathered at each chapter’s end, and resequenced for each chapter.Links are provided to navigate from the reference to the note,and back.
The notes are a combination of those of the author, and of theeditor of this edition. The text of the latter are enclosed insquare brackets. The bold-faced phrases that begin each topicwere also added by the editor, and spelling of Hindi or Sanskritwords may vary between those phrases and the author’s text.
The pagination of the original edition, published in the1820's, is preserved for ease of reference by including thosepage numbers in the text, also enclosed in square brackets.
Crooke’s plan for the renovation of the Tod’s original text, includinga discussion of the transliteration of words other than English, isgiven in detail in the Preface.
Several tables spanned multiple pages, with sums totaled before thepage break as “Carried forward”, and repeated on the following page.These have been removed, given the nature of the current text.
Minor errors, attributable to the printer, have been corrected. Giventhe history of the text, it was thought best to leave all orthographyas printed.
Please see the transcriber’s note at the end of this textfor details regarding the handling of any textual issues encounteredduring its preparation.
A complex genealogical chart appears on p. 1457, inserted inmid-paragraph spanning pp. 1456 and 1458. It has been moved toprecede that paragraph. The chart was not conducive to rendering inthis format. It has been approximated in the text, and a linkprovided to an image of the original page.
The cover image has been amended to include identifying information,and is added, as amended, to the public domain.
Any corrections are indicated using an underlinehighlight. Placing the cursor over the correction will produce theoriginal text in a small popup.
Any corrections are indicated as hyperlinks, which will navigate thereader to the corresponding entry in the corrections table in thenote at the end of the text.