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The following work has engaged my utmost applicationfor some years. Several performances onthe same subject have already appeared; as Sir H. Manwaring’sSeaman’s Dictionary; Boteler’s Sea Dialogues;Guillet’s Gentleman’s Dictionary, and Blanckley’s NavalExpositor, &c. Far from exhibiting an enlarged andcomprehensive view of naval affairs, these productionsare extremely imperfect, according to the very circumscribedplan which their authors have adopted. Thereare besides, the Dictionaire de Marine of M. Aubin, publishedin Holland; and that of M. Saverien, publishedin France. These are indeed voluminous, but very deficientin the most necessary articles. Besides a circumstantialdetail of the local oeconomy of different marinedepartments, they are swelled out with astronomy,navigation, hydrography, natural history, &c. all ofwhich are abundantly better treated in other compositions.Of the machi