Permission for Public Performance
According to the provisions of the Copyright Act of July, 1909, the ownerof the Copyright “shall have the exclusive right to print, reprint, publish,copy and vend the Copyright work.”
The purchase of this copy or any number of copies does not carry withit the right of Public Performance for any purpose whatever, but the Ownersof the Copyright hereby grant permission for Public performance to anybona fide purchaser of five or more copies who shall in good faith make sucha purchase for the purpose herein stated.
Performance from borrowed or rented copies is not permitted.
Owners of Copyright.
The sitting room of Faraway Farm. Rocking chairs, tablecovered with red cloth or oilcloth, braided rugs, small mirrorhanging on wall, beneath which are comb and brush. Lantern,carpet slippers, books, and large box (see suggestions).
Tom.—Ordinary street clothes, long overcoat, and afterwardcap with college band. Carries college flag, after he comes fromthe Wishing Box.
Edith.—Dressed as girl of fourteen in traveling costume.
Aunt Susan.—Gingham dress, white apron, white wig.
Abner.—Old suit, blue overalls, boots, afterwards removedfor carpet slippers. After he comes from the Wishing Box wearschecked suit, gay necktie, derby and carries “sample” case ofsoap and perfumes.
Miss Wise.— } Teachers. Long cloaks and veils.
Miss Markus.—}
Miss Priscilla.—} Spinsters. Old-fashioned dress, carry
Miss Prudence.— } old valises, umbrellas, bundles, bird-cage,
} etc.
Rastus (1) Black face.—Pullman porter. Dark uniformtrimmed with brass buttons, cap lettered “Pullman.” Blackenedface and hands.
Rastus (2) White face.—Same size boy, costumed identically.He takes Rastus’ place, as provided in the play.
Inventor.—Should be dressed to suggest “absent-mindedness,”as, for example, a tan shoe on one foot and a black oneon the other, gloves on wrong hands, etc.
The magic wishing box is a large packing box, lettered“Wishing Box Patent Applied For.” Across the rear of theplatform a dark curtain is stretched, making as it were a falsewall to the room. This conceals the box until it is