Recipes for

10-MinuteCranberry Sauce
- 2 cups sugar
- 2 cups water
- 4 cups Eatmor Cranberries
(one bag or box)
Boil sugar and water together 5 minutes. Addcranberries and boil, without stirring, until all theskins pop open—about 5 minutes. Removefrom heat and cool in saucepan. Makes onequart 10-Minute Cranberry Sauce.
Pour sauce over thin-slicedoranges, top with shredded cocoanut forCranberry Ambrosia.
Minted Cranberry Sauce.
Stir in teaspoonchopped fresh mint or few drops mint extractfor Minted Cranberry Sauce.
Cranberry Apricot Delight.
Add 1 cup cookedsweetened apricots for Cranberry ApricotDelight.
Fold in 3 bananas cut in½ inch slices for Cranberry-Chiquita.
Cranberry-Ruby Pears.
Spoon sauce overcooked or canned pear halves for Cranberry-RubyPears.
Put some in your freezer and enjoythese appetizing fresh cranberrysauces the year round.

Quick-FreezingFresh Cranberries
You can enjoy the appetizing flavor of freshcranberries the year round by putting a goodsupply of Eatmor in your home freezer or storagelocker.
It's the easiest fruit to freeze. No processing isrequired. All you have to do is place the unopenedbag or box of Eatmor Cranberriesdirectly in your freezing unit.
When ready to use—handle exactly as youwould fresh cranberries. No thawing is required.Pour in colander, rinse in cold water, drain. Usein any standard fresh cranberry recipe.
Cranberry Sherbet
- 2¾ cups water
- 2 cups sugar
- 4 cups Eatmor Cranberries
(one bag or box) - 1 tablespoon gelatin (1 envelope)
- ¼ cup cold water
- Juice and grated rind 1 lemon
- Juice and grated rind 1 orange
Combine cranberries, water and sugar in saucepan.Cook until cranberri