Transcriber’s Note:
The cover image was created by the transcriber and is placed in the public domain.
America, the History of Its Discovery. 2 vols., with 545illustrations and 37 maps. (Leipzig 1890–92.) AwardWorld’s Columbian Exposition.
America, historia de su descubrimiento. 3 vols., with severalhundred illustrations and maps. (Barcelona 1892.)Award World’s Columbian Exposition.
From Wonderland to Wonderland, Sketches of American Lifeand Scenery. With 50 heliogravures. (Leipzig 1886.)
Through the Wild West, Journeys of an Artist through thePrairies and Rocky Mountains of America. Illustrated.(Braunschweig 1890.)
Travels in the Land of the Sioux Indians. (Leipzig 1886.)
Our Wasteful Nation; the Story of American Prodigality andthe Abuse of Our National Resources. Illustrated. (NewYork 1908.)
Three Centuries of German Life in the United States, with210 illustrations. (Berlin 1909.) Award by the Universityof Chicago.
Illustrative Cloud Forms for the Guidance of Observers inthe Classification of Clouds. (U. S. Publication No. 112.Washington, D. C., 1897.)
In the Realm of Clouds and Gods. Illustrated with 25 color-prints.
Three Great Questions in American History Answered. Withmany maps and illustrations
Are you aware of the fact that you are living in themost important period of human history? Not for the reasonthat a World’s War has been fought and a “League of Nations”formed, but because all civilized nations are beginning toacknowledge that women, who form the greater part of thehuman race, are entitled to the same rights and recognition ashave heretofore been enjoyed by men only. The entry ofwoman into industry, the professions, literature, science andart in modern times, her participation in social and politicallife, mark the beginning of an era of a significance, equal, ifnot greater, than when by the discovery of America a NewWorld was added to the old.
Although it is a fact that man owes innumerable benefitsto woman’s care, devotion, and mental initiative, it is alsotrue that through egoism and self-conceit he has never appreciatedwoman’s work and achievements at their full value.On the contrary: while she was giving all and asking little,while she shared with man all hardships and perils, she wasfor thousands of years without any rights, not even as regardsher own person and property. From ancient times up