Minor errors in punctuation and formatting have been silentlycorrected. Please see the transcriber’s note at the end of thistext for details regarding the handling of any textual issuesencountered during its preparation.
The frequent appearance of text in blackletter font is rendered herewith this font.
Full-width images have been moved to paragraph breaks. The pagination usedin the list of Plates is approximate, but are linked here directly to eachplate.
Footnotes have been resequenced to be unique across the text, andwere moved to the end of the text.
The cover image has been fabricated and is placed in the public domain.
Portraits from Original Plates,—Bocchius by Bonasone, A.D. 1555; the others by Theodore de Bry, A.D. 1597.
Portrait of Shakespeare.
From the Oil Painting in the possession of Dr. Clay, of Manchester.
FEW only are the remarks absolutely needed byway of introduction to a work which withinitself sufficiently explains and carries out a newmethod of illustration for the dramas of Shakespeare.As author, I commenced this volume because ofvarious observations which, while reading several of the earlyEmblem writers, I had made on similarities of thought andexpression between themselves and the great Poet; and