Transcriber's Note:
The cover image was created by the transcriber and is placed in the public domain.
This volume is the third annual cumulation of the Book Review Digest.It includes principally the books of 1907 that have been reviewed by the bestbook critics in England and America. It aims first to record with unprejudicedexactness the scope, character and subject content of books as theyappear, and further, to supplement this descriptive information from monthto month with excerpts culled from the best current reviews appearing inforty-seven English and American magazines which give prominence to bookcriticism, thus furnishing to the librarian a basis for the valuation of books.Frequently the best reviews of a book appear during the year following itspublication, so in this volume will be found supplementary excerpts relatingto books which were entered in the 1906 annual. It will be observed that anumber of entries include only the descriptive note. Reviews for these bookshave not yet appeared; 1908 will furnish the material for appraisal, and excerptswill be included in current numbers