“Oh! Tommy Tatter, Tommy Tatter,
I’d like to see you looking fatter;
I’d like to see your skin much sweeter;
I’d like to see your dress much neater.
So come along, I’m going home,
More clothes I’ve got, I’ll give you some;
I’ll give you bread, I’ll give you cheese,
And wash your face, too, if you please.
I’ll comb your hair, and cut it too,
All this I’m ready now to do;
And when you’re wash’d from head to foot,
Your hair in tidy fashion put,
Your nails all cut and clean’d, you see,
Exactly as they ought to be,
And on your back a suit of clothes,
And shoes and stockings for your toes,
You won’t be then, though lean and small,
So very ugly after all.”