The Novice—Mrs. Benson—Mary—Mrs. Benson’s Correspondence with Mrs.Egerton—Miss Evelyn—Eliza
There were three of us—Mary, Eliza, and myself. I was approachingfifteen, Mary was about a year younger, and Eliza between twelve andthirteen years of age. Mamma treated us all as children, and was blindto the fact that I was no longer what I had been. Although not tall formy age, nor outwardly presenting a manly appearance, my passions wereawakening, and the distinctive feature of my sex, although in repose itlooked magnificent enough, was very sufficiently developed when underthe influence of feminine excitement.
As yet, I had absolutely no knowledge of the uses of the differentorgans of sex. My sisters and I all slept in the same room. Theytogether in one bed, I alone in another. When no one was present, wehad often mutually examined the different formations of our sexes.
We had discovered that mutual handlings gave a certain amount ofpleasing sensation; and, latterly, my eldest sister had discovered thatthe hooding and unhooding of my doodle, as she called it, instantlycaused it to swell up and stiffen as hard as a piece of wood. Myfeeling of her little pinky slit gave rise in her to nice sensations,but on the slightest attempt to insert even my finger, the pain was toogreat. We had made so little progress in the attouchements that notthe slightest inkling of what could be done in that way dawned upon us.I had begun to develop a slight growth of moss-like curls round theroot of my cock; and then, to our surprise, Mary began to show asimilar tendency. As yet, Eliza was as bald as her hand, but both wereprettily formed, with wonderfully full and fat mounts of Venus. We wereperfectly innocent of guile and quite habituated to let each other lookat all our naked bodies without the slightest hesitation; and whenplaying in the garden, if one wanted to relieve the pressure on thebladder, we all squatted down together, and crossed waters, each tryingwho could piddle fastest. Notwithstanding these symptoms of passionwhen excited, in a state of calm I might have passed for a boy of tenor eleven.
My father had left us but moderately provided for, and mamma, wishingto live comfortably, preferred giving me lessons along with my sistersat home to sending me to school; but her health beginning to fail, sheinserted an advertisement in the Times for a governess. Out of alarge number of applicants, a young lady, of the name of Evelyn, wasselected. Some ten days afterwards she arrived, and became one of thefamily.
We did not see much of her the first evening, but after breakfast thefollowing morning, mamma accompanied her to what was considered ourschoolroom, and said, “Now, my dears, I place you under Miss Evelyn’scare; you must obey her in all things; she will teach you your lessons,as I am unable to do so any longer.” Then, turning to our newgoverness, “I fear you will find them somewhat spoiled, and unruly; but