Pelham Pinx.
I have ever deemed it one ofthe most favourable circumstancesof my life, that your Ladyshipcondescended to honour my earlyyouth with your kind countenanceand protection. Your amiablecharacter, and exemplary virtues,have always thrown such alustre around you, as could notbut enlighten and improve those,who came within their influence.This testimony from me, is no morethan the just tribute of a gratefulheart.
I am, therefore, happy, in havingyour Ladyship's permission toinscribe to you the following discourses.You are no stranger tothe sentiments they contain: youlove and honour the doctrines theyinculcate.
The author intreats to be indulgedwith a continuance of thatregard, which your Ladyship hathhitherto shewn him; and whichhe hath always held more desirable,in proportion as he hath beenbetter qualified to judge of whatis truly honourable and estimablein the intercourses of sociallife.
With this sentiment deeply impressedupon his mind, he cannotbut rejoice in the opportunityyour Ladyship hath granted him,of thus publickly subscribing himself,
Your Ladyship's
Most obliged and
Most faithful Servant,
The following discourses werepreached in the united Churchesof Christ Church and St. Peter, in theCity of Philadelphia, of which the authorwas appointed assistant minister inthe year 1759, and to the rectorship ofwhich he was elected in the year 1775.
The reader will find in them no displayof genius or of erudition. To the former,the author hath no claim: of thelatter, he contents himself with as muchas is competent to the discharge of hispastoral duty. His divinity, he trusts,is that of the Bible: to no otherStandard of Truth can he venture toappeal. Sen