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The Committee appointed to take into consideration,the condition of the Fire Department of this City, and also,the best means of obtaining an additional supply of Water,for Fire purposes, beg to present their Report.
Before proceeding to the subject matter of their Report,the Committee deem it due to themselves, and to the community,to make one or two explanations, by way of accountingfor apparent neglect of a most important enquiry. The Committeewas first appointed, immediately subsequent to thegreat conflagration of 9th September, but they had scarcelycommenced their labours, when the Committee was disorganized,by the retirement of several members, consequent uponthe Annual Civic Elections. The choice of officers and othernecessary business, prevented the appointment of a new Committeeuntil late in October, since which time, the membersof this Committee, being much occupied with other Committees,as well as with their own private affairs, it was not possibleto report at an earlier date.
The Committee, also, take this opportunity of stating, thatthey do not hold themselves accountable for any communications,anonymous or otherwise, upon this question, which mayhave appeared in the newspapers.
The Committee have directed their attention to the severalpapers submitted to them by the Council; as follows:
1st. Memorial of Edward J. Longard; received by theCity Council 11th March, 1859.
2nd. Memorandum of Alderman Twining; submitted 9thAugust, 1859.
3rd. Letter from Hon. Wm. Young, A. Scott and H.Hartshorne to His Worship the Mayor, dated 12th September,1859.
24th. Letter from the Secretary of the Halifax Water Companyto His Worship the Mayor, dated 13th September, 1859.
The Memorial of Mr. Longard, proposes a scheme for supplyingthe City with Water, for Fire purposes, exclusively;—thesupply to be drawn from the Birch Cove Lakes.
The Memorandum of Alderman Twining suggests theappointment of a Committee, to enquire into the expediency,and feasibility, of purchasing the Water Works, and property,of the Halifax Water Company.
Messrs. Young, Scott and Hartshorne’s Letter has referenceto the late Fire, and makes certain suggestions, relating thereto,such as, the laying down of additional Water Pipes, theuse of Steam Fire Engines, and the enlargement of the FireCompanies.
The Communication from the Secretary of the Water Companyembodies a proposition from the Company, agreeing toadopt the suggestion of Messrs. Young, Scott and Hartshorneby “laying down a 12-inch pipe from the Ball Court, at thesouth end of Gotte