Perhaps the meals you serve are “bulk-minus” meals. Kellogg’s All-Bran is the “bulk-plus”food so necessary in the well-balanced diet. Serve as a cereal, combined with other cereals, or useit as an ingredient in many tempting and economical dishes. ★ All the recipes in this helpfulfolder have been triple tested in our Cottage Kitchen so that you may get the fullest enjoymentfrom the use of All-Bran in your home. ★ Laboratory tests show (1) that All-Bran is a safeand gentle food that relieves constipation due to insufficient “bulk”; (2) that it does not lose itseffectiveness with continued use; (3) that it is a good source of iron and Vitamin B. ★ Kellogg’sAll-Bran is accepted by the American Medical Association Committee on Foods as a naturallaxative food for normal people.
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Home Economics Department
Kellogg Company, Battle Creek, Michigan
Kellogg’s All-Bran is an ideal ingredient for cooking. It blends wellwith other ingredients because it is fine and soft and adds a temptingnut-sweet flavor to the recipe. Remember, too, that this best of all bransincreases the value of each dish because of its abundant “bulk.”
2 tablespoons shortening
¼ cup sugar
1 egg (well beaten)
1 cup sour milk
1 cup Kellogg’s ALL-BRAN
1 cup flour
1 teaspoon baking powder
½ teaspoon soda
½ teaspoon salt
Note: If sweet milk is used instead of sour milk, omitthe ½ teaspoon of soda and use 3 teaspoons bakingpowder. Raisins or dates may be added if desired. Asmall slice of apple, sprinkled with cinnamon andsugar, placed on top the muffin batter before baking,makes a delicious variation of the recipe.
Cream the shortening and sugar, addegg and sour milk. Add ALL-BRANand let soak until most of the moistureis taken up. Sift flour wit