Domini, refugium factus es nobis, a generatione in generationem.
Respice in servos tuos, et in opera tua: et dirige filios eorum.
Et sit splendor Domini Dei nostri super nos, et opera manuum
nostrarum dirige super nos: et opus manuum nostrarum dirige.
"Truth seeth God, and Wisdom beholdeth God, and of these twocometh the third: that is a holy, marvelling delight in God; whichis Love."
page | ||
I. | Notes on Manuscripts and Editions of this Book. | xi |
II. | Note as to two Julians. | xv |
III. | Introduction:— | |
Part I. | The Lady Julian. | xvii |
Part II. | The Manner of the Book. | xxxiii |
Part III. | The Theme of the Book. | lv |
IV. | "Revelations of Divine Love":— | |
(editorial account) | ||
i. | A List of Contents, called "A Particular of the Chapters". | 1 |
ii.-iii. | Autobiographical. | 3 |
iv.-ix. | The First Revelation: The Trinity is s ... BU KİTABI OKUMAK İÇİN ÜYE OLUN VEYA GİRİŞ YAPIN!Sitemize Üyelik ÜCRETSİZDİR! |