BOOK 161
Book No. 161
STITCH GAUGE: The term “STITCH GAUGE” is themost important part of all knitting directions, since thesizing of any knitted garment is planned on this gauge. YouMUST work to the gauge which is given or your finishedwork will not be the size indicated in the directions.
TO CHECK STITCH GAUGE: Cast on approximately 20sts, using the yarn and needles which will be used for thebody of your work. Work in the pattern st specified for 3inches. Bind off all sts. Block this knitted swatch and then,using a ruler as a guide, count the number of sts to 1 inch.If your stitch gauge is MORE sts to 1 inch than that givenin the directions, try the next size larger needle and againcheck your gauge. If your st gauge is LESS sts to 1 inchthan that given in the directions, try the next size smallerneedle and again check your gauge. The IMPORTANTTHING to remember is that the size needle used does notmatter as long as your stitch gauge is correct.
GARTER STITCH: Knit every row. It will take 2 rows tomake 1 ridge.
STOCKINETTE STITCH: K 1 row, P 1 row alternatelywhen working on straight needles. When working roundand round on a circular needle or double point needles,knit every round.
SEED STITCH: On the first row * K 1, P 1, repeat from *to end of row. On all subsequent rows, K over the P st andP over the K st.
RIBBING: On the first row work in the ribbing patterngiven. On all other rows, K over the K sts and P over theP sts.
TO SLIP A STITCH: Whenever the directions specify asl st, always insert the right hand needle in the st to beslipped as if to P, unless otherwise indicated.
MARKERS: When work specifies the use of a marker, usea small round paper clip for this purpose. In working, alwaysslip this marker from one needle to the other.
JOINING YARN: If possible always join a new ball ofyarn at the beginning of a row. When it is necessary to jointhe yarn while working across a row, leave an end about 4inches long; then work from the new ball of yarn on thenext st, also leaving a 4 inch end. After working for 1 inchmore, tie these two ends in a square knot, so that the tensionwill be the same as all other sts. When finishing work,run in these ends on wrong side for 1 inch.
SELECTION OF COLOR: Every woman has her ownpersonal preferences in colors, based on the colors whichare most flattering to her and will harmonize with the restof her wardrobe. For this reason we have not specified anyparticular color for any model, other than for those modelswhere a combination of colors has been used. Even in thesemodels, let your own individuality express itself by choosingother color combinations if you wish.
K | knit |
P | purl |
st(s) |