

By Jacques Casanova de Seingalt

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A man never argues well except when hispurse is well filledAccepted the compliment for what it wasworthAccomplice of the slandererAdvantages of a great sorrow is thatnothing else seems painfulAge, that cruel and unavoidable diseaseAll women, dear Leah are for saleAll-powerful lever, goldAlms given in public are sure to beaccompanied by vanityAnger and reason do not belong to thesame familyAngry man always thinks himself rightAt my age I could not be allowed tohave any opinionsAugurs could never look at each otherwithout laughingAwkward or miserly, and thereforeunworthy of loveAxiom that "neglected right is lostright"Beauty is the only unpardonable offencein your eyesBeauty without wit offers love nothingBed is a capital place to get anappetiteBest plan in this world is to beastonished at nothingBeware of the man of one bookCalumnies are easy to utter but hard torefuteCherishing my griefClever man deceives by telling thetruthCommissaries of ChastityConfessionContempt of lifeCould tell a good story withoutlaughingCriticism only grazed the skin andnever wounded deeplyDelights are in proportion to theprivations we have sufferedDesire is only kept alive by beingdeniedDesire to make a great fuss like agreat manDespair which is not without somesweetnessDespised ignoramus becomes an enemyDiminish the tale of your years insteadof increasing itDistance is relativeDivinities—novelty and singularityDo not mind people believing anything,provided it is not trueDo their duty, and to live in peace andsweet ignoranceEconomy in pleasure is not to my tasteEmotion is infectiousEssence of freedom consists in thinkingyou have itEverything hung from an ifExercise their reason to avoid themisfortunes which they fearFanaticism, no matter of what nature,is only the plagueFatal desire for luxury and empty showspoils allFavourite passion has always beenvengeanceFirst motive is always self-interestFoolish enough to write the truthFor in the night, you know, all catsare greyFor is love anything else than a kindof curiosity?Fortune flouts old age                        


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