This volume, like its companion, Shelter and Clothing, is intended foruse in the course in household arts in the high school and normal school,whether the work be vocational or general in its aim. It is hoped thatboth volumes will prove useful in the home as well, including as they do atreatment of the homecrafts, and the related topics now so significant tothe home maker,—the cost and purchasing of foods and clothing, the costof operating, the management of the home, and questions of state and citysanitation vital to the health of the individual family.
The volume treats specifically of foods, their production, sanitation,cost, nutritive value, preparation, and serving, these topics beingclosely interwoven with the practical aspects of household management, andthey are followed by a study of the household budget and accounts, methodsof buying, housewifery, and laundering. It includes about 160 carefullyselected and tested recipes, together with a large number of cookingexercises of a more experimental nature designed to develop initiative andresourcefulness. Shelter and Clothing deals with the organization andideals of the home, house sanitation, decoration, and furnishing; andtreats in full, textiles, sewing, costume design, and dressmaking.
Some of the recipes here given are adapted from those of such authoritiesas Mrs. Lincoln, Miss Farmer, and Miss Barrows, and others are originaland from private sources.
The authors are glad to acknowledge their indebtedness to those who haveread and criticized the manuscript:ProfessorviMary Swartz Rose ofTeachers College, for her criticism and contributions to the book; Miss L.Ray Balderston, of Teac